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Hello-I'm not quite sure how to do the Target-Hit procedure-but here are
the results. This is not a scientific survey. I received around 12-13
answers-but many people listed several authors and titles. Authors were
mentioned more than individual titles. Here are the top 5.

1. Stephen King-anything(mentioned 5 times)
2. Michael Crichton-anything-and Jurassic Park(2)
3. Tom Clancy-anything(2)
4. Louis Lamour-anything(2)
5. Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers(2)

Other authors mentioned once
Douglas Adams(HitchHiker's Guide To the Universe), Edgar Rice
Burrows(Martian series),Margaret Weiss, Robert Parker, Edna Buchanan(The
Corpse Had a Familiar Face),Piers Anthony. Arthur Clark,Steinbeck(Of Mice
and Men), William Golding(Lord of the Flies), William Sleater(House of
Stairs),John Grishim(The Firm),Gary Paulson(Hatchet,Nightjohn), Gale
Sayers(I Am Third),Bob Greene(Be True To Your School),Heinlein(Tunnel In
the Sky),Carl Deuker, Strasser,Robert Jordan, David Eddings,Clive
Clussler,McCammon(Boy's Life)
Hope this is helpful. I have a 10th grade 15 year old(gifted). He reads
fantasy-especially Margaret Weiss,and whatever his English teacher
assigns.He read Jurrasic Park on his own--I forced him to read "The Giver"
He said it was "okay".
Mary Cox

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