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Thank you to everyone who responded to the question of how to identify
students who have turned in signed aups.  As always there were many great
ideas.  We took ideas from some of you.  We have DRA as our circulation
system.  There is a place on the borrower record for a note.  As the
signed AUPs came in a note was added to each students record indciating
Internet permission.  When they want to use the Internet, they come to
the circulation desk, we look at their ids and check their record.  If
they have permission, we give them a card that is laminated and about 3 x
6 inches that says "Internet license."  This card has a strip of velcro
on it and the other strip in on the computer.  We only have 5 computers
with Internet accounts on them.  We can easily see if the student is
using the Internet and if there is a card (bright pink) attached to the
computer.  So far, this has worked very well.

someone asked why we have parents sign for thos under 18.  First of all,
we want the parents to know what the student has signed and that the
student is responsible.  (18 year olds are legally responsible for
themselves.)  The AUP makes it clear that there is information on the
Internet that we do not deem appropriate but it is available.

Here are all of the ideas and thanks again.

Michele, for what it's worth, we use a little 'User's Permit' we made

each student.  And they have to display it on top of the monitor every
they're using a station.  I did'nt think I'd like it, but I'm now
we do it again next year.  tk

Terry Kroening, Media & Technology Specialist
Winona Senior High School, 901 Gilmore Avenue, Winona MN
voice: 507-454-9500    fax: 507-454-9585    e-mail:

Our district is planning to buy special stickers that we can put on
students' ID cards.  No sticker, No network.  If you don't have ID
this doesn't help.  I think they are going to get something with a
Margaret Cochran

  I'd recommend stamping their ID card somehow, assuming the kid
his/her own card. That makes it easier to check the student at the
computer than referring to a file or list in your office.

  If you are automated, I'd also suggest marking their patron record in
some fashion. That way you have a record of how many/who has returned
them and would make it easier to send reminders to those who haven't yet.
        Melissa Davis                   Librarian
        Splendora Middle School         Splendora I.S.D.
        P O Box 168                     Splendora, TX 77372
        Internet: mbdavis@tenet.edu     PHONE: (713)689-2853
        CompuServe: 75146,771           FAX: (713)689-8702

We put dots on their ID cards prior to lamination.  If the AUP permission is
turned in after the ID is issued a special hole punch with a unique
configuration not easily reproduced is used to punch the ID card.
Jamie Boston, Librarian
Birch Lane Elementary, 1600 Birch Ln.  & Pioneer Elementary, 5212 Hamel St.
Davis, CA 95616
916-757-5395/5413(FAX)& 757-5480

 We had thought about issuing a card of some bright color that students
would display above their number line on the computer keyboard.  I'll be
interested in hearing your summary.

 Paula Galland       paula@gnatnet.net       St. Simons Island, GA
       Glynn County Schools - http://www.gnatnet.net/~paula
From: Evie Funk <funkx005@gold.tc.umn.edu>
Subject: Re: AUP:What next?

The difficulty of keeping track of these students is the reason our school
decided NOT to require parents to sign an AUP.
We have Internet use guidelines that we review with students. We have the
guidelines posted near the computers. We informed parents of those guidelines
and expectations in a newsletter that goes home to all parents.
I couldn't see any way I could *guarantee* that kids using the internet on
school computers had a signed AUP!  Also, our computers are placed fairly
together.  What would prevent a student from exploring the "net" over another
student's shoulder? It all seemed too complicated to me! As a result, our
school's technology committee decided not to use one.
This will sound trite, but we just keep them on a data base with effective
dates, ask the student their name, check the data base or data base printout.
Tecumseh KS

We have the homeroom teachers check them, the AUP is also printed in our
student handbook and copies of the AUP are laminated and posted
of each workstation.  Just curious, what difference does it make if a
student is under or over 18 if he/she is not emancipated from the
parents?   By the way thanks again for the manual that you sent me in the
fall, I have refered to it several times.

Clete Schirra                           schirrac@icarus.lis.pitt.edu
South Park High School Media Center     schirra@calvin.cc.duq.edu
2178 Ridge Road                         (412) 655-0613 voice
Library PA 15129                        (412) 655-2952 fax

The Ellison company which makes the Ellison letter machines also makes
unique hole punches which we use, but also most stationary stores can
order them for you.
Jamie Boston, Librarian
Birch Lane Elementary, 1600 Birch Ln.  & Pioneer Elementary, 5212 Hamel St.
Davis, CA 95616
From: Ruie Chehak <rchehak@mail.cedar-rapids.k12.ia.us>
Subject: Re: AUP:What next?

We have just done the same thing Michele.  We have four high schools in our
district, 3 traditional and one alternative.  At the trthen hit will
work.  Good luck, Ruie

Our clever H.S. library media specialists used an "erpntr@udel.eduthem
instr in how to get iso we can see who is checked i our classro
Internet.  Our st on
filePermission to NaviDate:, a placefill this out, laminate it, and
retukeeping the original signed release on file.  I've made the caof a
credit card so they can easily      As soon as a student sits down at the
computer to use the Internet,they must place this card by th have
permission to use it.  This way we will not have to time if they have a
signed AUP--we should .
     One other thing the tech teacher and I have talked about, but
haven't prepared yet is a paper that says what the student is
for.  That way we will be able to check if they are places they shouldn't be.
     Hope this all makes sense.
Marilyn Harris, Librarian        E-mail:  mharris@mail.or2120 Ventura
Ave                 Fax:  417-888-2596
Springfield, MO 65804

From: gbarber@pen.k12.va.us
Subject: AUP/Next

I saw your query on LM_NET regarding keeping track of students wha
Schroeder, Robert E. Lee High School,
Staunt>I see that you do give it to each studen>size of to our usual
1.holders we pu
Yes, we tried to design it the exact size of a credit card.

Michele Missner
Appleton High School West
610 N. Badger
Appleton, wi 54914
voice (414) 832-4162 (business)
            730-0768 (home)
fax (414) 832-6239

Bitnet   -  missnerm@oshkoshw
Internet -  missnerm@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu

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