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 Resurrected 286's

        Just as GEPPETO resurrected Pinocchio from the dusty, given up the ghost
shelves of usefulness, 286's can be brought back to successful service as
well.  Because of your comments and suggestions, I am able to list the
following uses for 286's or 386's that do not have CD-ROM drives.  If
anyone else has further suggestions, please pass them on and I will post an
up-dated idea list.
        Just what can you do nowadays with computers that do not have a CD-ROM
drive?  One option would be to use them for stand-alone work stations.
Several activities that might be considered are:

        1.  Word processing stations (I will be using Microsoft Write).

        2.  Run a 3.5 disc program called Bibliographic Generator which generates
bibliographies in the MLA style.  Just answer the queries and the program
does the rest.  The cost is $48.95 and is published by BG Software, 3
Revere Drive, Huntington, New York.  ll743.

        3.  Run a 3.5 disc program called LRS Verticomp which is a vertical file
resource material available on a computer disk.  Each vertical file topic
has 25 articles on one 3.5 disk, selling for approximately $25.00.  Ph:

         4.  Run a 3.5 disc program called ERR&S which is a vertical file
resource material available on a computer disk.  Each vertical file topic
has approximately 25 articles on one 3.5 disk and sells for approximately
$25.00 each.  Phone:  800-752-4243.

        5.  Run a 3.5 disc included in Peterson's various career and college
books.  Phone:  800-338-3282.

        6.  Lastly, I have been told the monitors from 286's and 386's can be used
in a TV set up as a teleprompter.

        If you know of other sources of materials available in the 3.5 disk format
or have other ideas, please forward them to me personally and I will post
        Remember, it's not over till it's over.  286's can and do provide a stand
alone station for yet another eager learner!

Linda Reed
Springfield High School
101 S. Lewis
Springfield, IL  62704

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