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Maybe someone else has a better way to compile a hit list, but here's mine:
1)In msg. you receive highlight the relevent portion.
2)Either go to "Edit" and select "copy"; or hold down contr key and press
the "C" key. (Windows users)
3)Minimize mail program, open "write" or other word processing program. (For
convenience, I have a duplicate icon of "Write" in my "Internet" folder).
4)Either go to "Edit" and select "paste"; or hold down ctrl key and press
the "V".
5)Minimize the word processing program (or semi-minimize), open mail program
back up and repeat this process for each relevant msg portion.
6)Be sure to save the word processing document.
7)When msgs answering your query slow down, compose your hit "header" or
introductory paragraph indicating what the hit is all about, then paste text
from document into the body of your mail.

Incidentally, I use this copy/paste method to transfer web addresses from
email to Netscape bookmarks. (Netscape 2.0). Before reading email, I open
Netscape, then "go to bookmarks" and then minimize Netscape to get it out of
the way, and semi-minimize the bookmarks. Open my mail, and when I see a
site address/description I want to try, I just highlight, copy,
semi-minimize mail, maximize bookmarks, highlight bookmark folder where the
new site belongs, select "add bookmark", insert cursor in "description"
window, and paste (Ctrl+V). From there I can cut (Ctrl+ X) and paste into
URL blank, even cut the title of what the new bookmark name will be and
paste in title blank. What is left in description window is usually a decent
description of the site.  Hope these *details* didn't bog you down. I've
tried to be very, very explicit. Saves me time, and writing with a
pencil/pen!  Then, when I have time, I can just use the bookmarks to explore
these new sites. I really like the way we can sort, and alphabetize these
bookmarks in this version of Netscape. Haven't tried the newest 3.0 version
yet. Guess I like this one too well.

                 /\  /\
Cheri Quillin___/  \/  \  /\/\________/\___INFORMATION ENTHUSIAST (Librarian)
Lamar High School Libr. \/                 503 Maple Street  Lamar, MO 64759
POT# 417-682-5571                          email xvd000@mail.connect.more.net

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