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      *Chinese Handcuffs* -- Chris Crutcher
      *The Face at the Edge of the World* -- Eve Bunting
      *Tunnel Vision* -- Fran Arrick
      *About David* -- Susan Beth Pfeffer
      *Remembering the Good Times* -- Richard Peck
      *The Language of Goldfish* -- Zibby O'Neal
      *So Long at the Fair* -- Hadley Irwin

      Judith Guest's *Ordinary People* isn't strictly a YA novel, but it's
accessible to most older teens.


There is a great children's book which sends the message "dont just
follow the crowd" about a bunch of caterpillers who form a
caterpiller pillar to try to reach the sky. Two adventurers break
off and make cocoons. It has many other valuable lessons and cute
pictures. I only wish I could remember the title. Sorry:(

The Butterflies Come by Leo Politi is an "oldie" but goodie.  It
lends itself to having the students make their own butterfly parade.
I Wish I Was a Butterfly by Howe(?) (Sorry I'm home and the catalog
is not) is also a good fiction choice.  Joanne Ryder also has some
excellent nature books and one is on butterflies.

Some books I have used when teaching 1st grade about butterflies
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The Caterpillar and the Polliwog by Jack Kent??
Butterfly and Caterpillar by B. Watts (non-fiction)

I also found an activity which had several drawings of butterflies
on the page and the students were supposed to measure the wing span
(math).  You could also use the vocabulary, such as caterpillar,
cocoon, etc., for a spelling bee (or "butterfly") or make a picture
dictionary as a class or individually.

We have one title suitable - Butterfly illustrated by Kim Taylor part of the
See How They Grow series by Dorling Kindersley, London

The Butterfly Alphabet Book by Brian Cassie and Jerry Pallotta, illustrated
by Mark Astrella. Published by Charlesbridge.  ISBN 0-88106-896-9 (library
reinforced) $14.95

The Butterfly Book by Kjell B. Sandved.  Photographs. Published by
Scholastic.  ISBN 0590480030 $15.95


Check out ZooBook magazine.  I believe they have several issues
related to butterflies.  I have one on Monarchs that I have used.  I
have a lot of information at school, of course!!  Let me know if you
don't get a lot of response.  I can go check for you.  I can also
think of a fiction book I've used I Wish I Were a Butterfly and
another one call Where Do Butterflies Go When It Rains.  Check the A
to Zoo by Wilson.  It should have a section on butterflies.  I also
use a film from our local Co-op called Monarch Butterflies.  Check
out National Geographic film list.  They probably have one.  Good
luck and please post a hit for us.

You MUST use the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  It is the
first book I use with kindergartners.  One of our objectives
throughout the year is differentiating reality from fantasy, and
this has both (caterpillar eating ice cream cone gets the kids to
giggle).  Basically it is science; math comes in with counting the
holes in the fruit; you could bring in nutrition; and then there are
also the days of the week...and it's delightful!

Third grade teachers in my school purchase butterfly cocoons and
watch them hatch in the classroom.  In the past they used painted
ladies, but they may do monarchs.  After the butterflies come out,
they are released outside.(the school is located in a park.)

The classes visited the Bronx Zoo's Butterfly World this year.

Jenny Giambalvo requested suggestions for a list of books depicting other
cultures for a middle school curriculum.  We have  been doing this for the
past two years, so am sharing the bibliography we use.  These happen to be
books we own and therefore there are some great titles that are not
included.  An excellent bibliographic source is "Multicultural Literature
for Children and Young Adults" 3rd. ed. by Ginny Moore Kruse and Kathleen T.
Horning.  Published by the Cooperative Children's Book Center at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Phone 608 263-3720.  Publication available
from Publication Sales, Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction, P.O. Box
7841, Madison Wi. 53707-7841.  1-800-243-8782.

This listing includes Native American cultures, depictions of cultures of
other countries, and immigration stories as well as works by authors of
various cultures.  Some may be more suitable to high school students (we
have a 6-12 library).
Please forgive truncation--I'm keying from a database list.

Angell, Judie           One-way to Ansonia
Bawden, Nina            Carrie's War
Bell, William             Forbidden city
Bolton, Carole          The search of Mary Katherine...
Bourliaguet, L           The guns of Valmy
Bishop, Claire           Twenty and ten
Buck, Pearl                Various titles......
Buss, Fran Leep       Journey of the sparrows
Choi, Sook Nyul...      Year of impossible goodbyes
Cordell, Elexander      Witches Sabbath
Clark, Ann Nolan        To stand against the wind
Clark, Ann Nolan         Santiago
Clarke, Arthur              Dolphin Island
Clarke, Judith               The heroic life of Al Cap......
Clifford, Mary               Bisha of Burundi
Crew, Linda                  Children of the River
Cummings, Betty        Now, Ameriky
Dickinson, Pete           AK
Forman, James D.      Ceremony of Innocence
Garland, Sherry           Shadow of the dragon
Garrigue, Sheila          The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito
George, Jean Cra.      Shark beneath the reef
Gilman, Dorothy          Caravan
Hall, Lyn                        A horse called dragon
Hrtling, Peter                Crutches
Hathorn, Elizabeth      Thunderwith
Haugaard, Erik             A messenger for Parliament
Hersey, John                Hiroshima
Hesse, Karen               Letters from  Rifka
Highwater, Jam.          The sun he dies
Irwin, Hadley                 Kim/Kimi
Jones, Toeckey            Go well, stay well
Kelly, Regina                 Miss Jefferson in Paries
Kerr, Judith                   When Hitler stole pink rabbit
Kipling, Rudyard          Various titles
Kjelgaard, Jim              Boomerang hunter
Koehn, Ilse                     Tilla
Levitin, Sonia                The golem & the dragon gi.....
Livitin, Sonia                   Journey to America
Lord, Bette                     In the year of the boar....
Lowry, Lois                    Number the stars
Maartens, Maret...        Paper Bird
Macdonald, Caro..        Speaking to Miranda
Mahy, Margaret            Various titles (she's from New Zealand)
Malterre, Elona             Last wolf of Ireland
Marsden, John              So much to tell you
Moeri, Louise                The forty-third war
Morpurgo, Mich...         Waiting for Anya
Moskin, Mariett..           I am Rosemarie
Namioka, Lensey       Island of Ogres
O'Dell, Scott               The captive
Ossowski, Leoni..      Star without a sky
Parish, Helen R.         Estebanico
Park, Ruth                    My sister Sif
Park, Ruth                    Playing Beatie Bow
Paterson, katherine    Of nightingales that weep
Phipson, Joan             When the city stopped
Potter, Bronson          Chibia the dhow boy
Raymond, Patricia      Daniel and Esther
Read, Elfreida             Brothers by choice
Sneider, Vern              The Teahouse of the August Moon
Southall, Ivan              What about tomorrow?
Sperry, Armstrong     Call it courage
Staples, Suzanne      Haveli
Staples, Suxanne       Shabanu
Tan, Amy                       Various titles--perhaps more adult
Thiele, Colin                February Dragon
Forrest-Webb, r...      Pendragon
Trevino, Elizabeth      Leona, a love story
Trevino, Elizabeth     I, Juan de Pareja
Uchida, Yoshiko        The best bad thing
Uchida, Yoshiko        The happiest ending
Vos, Ida                       Anna is still here
Vos, Ida                       Hide and seek
Wallace, Barbara     Can do, Missyn Charlie
Watkins, Yoko k..      My brother, my sister and.....
Yep, Laurence           Various titles
Winn, Janet               Home in flames
Hicyilmaz, Gaye...    Against the storm
Hotze, Sollace          A circle unbroken
Houston, Jeane       Farewell to Manzanar
Laird, Elizabeth        Kiss the dust
Matas, Carol             Sworn enemies
Mayne, William         Low tide
Mori, Kyoko                Shizuko's daughter
Paulsen, Gary            The CRossing
Penney, Grace J.       Moki
Soto, Gary                   The skirt

All typos are strictly my own!!  Note that there is a huge variety here,
including historical fiction.  Depending upon the scope of an assignment
some may or may not be appropriate.    Many may be out of print--this simply
reflects what we could pull from our collection.  Most of you can probably
do as well or better just by browsing your shelves.  I was amazed at what we
could find.

Again, I highly recommend the CCBC publication listed in Part I.  Its
subtitle is "A selected listing of books 1980-1990 by and about people of


Anne Oelke                     | "Some days are like that,
acoelke@peoples.net            |  even in Australia!"
Cambria-Friesland School Dst.  |  Judith Viorst in _Alexander
Cambria, WI                    | & the Terrible, Horrible,
                               | No Good, Very Bad Day_.

Cheryl W. Stevens
Library Media Specialist
Willimantic, Connecticut
The Librarian's File Cabinet

Tolland High School
1 Eagle Hill
Tolland, CT 06084

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