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Notes from the Library....
---You can get any of these books free! Just take this list to a public
library where they will either find the books or order them from another
---This list is a tiny taste of all the choices there are.  It's divided
into Poetry,  Picture Books, Folktales, Fiction, Factual Books and
Biography.  Happy reading!

2-3 Poetry
Bing Bang Boing   ............Florian
        Entertaining poems and hilarious drawings.
If You're Not Here, Please Raise Your Hand..........Dakos
        Funny poems about life in school.
New Kid on the Block ..........Prelutsky
        Poems about strange creatures & people such as Baloney Belly Billy.

2-3 Picture Books
Amazing Grace ..........Hoffman
        Grace is black, but she's determined to be Peter Pan in the play.
Ballot Box Battle ..........McCully
        A girl helps Elizabeth Cady Stanton fight for a woman's right to vote.
Counting on Frank ..........Clement
        Frank imagines a world where numbers make things enormous.
Day of Ahmed's Secret   ..........Heide
        Ahmed, a young peddler in Cairo, secretly learns to write his name.
I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles..........Marzollo
        Rhyming riddles challenge the reader to find hidden objects.
Jumanji .........Van Allsburg
        Live wild animals burst from an innocent-looking board game.
Miss Nelson Is Missing  ..........Allard
        Miss Nelson leaves her naughty class with nasty Miss Swamp.
Mrs. Katz and Tush..........Polacco
        Larnel gives the sorrowing widow Katz a tailess cat named "Tush".
My Ol' Man ..........Polacco
        When Trish's Dad is laid off, his storytelling talents keep him going.
Swamp Angel.........Isaacs
        Angelica, a giant, formed the Smoky Mtns when she wrestled a bear.
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream ..........Coville
        Short version of this well-known magical tale.  Wonderful pictures.

2-3 Folktale Collection
From Sea to Shining Sea:A Treasury of American Folklore ..........Cohn
        More than 140 songs & stories from ghost yarns to historical tales.

2-3 Folktales
Empty Pot..........Demi
        The Emperor of China honors Ping's honesty when he admits that he
can't grow a certain flower seed.
Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato       ..........De Paola
        Lazy Jamie captures a leprechaun who offers him potatoes, not gold.
Man Who Tricked a Ghost..........Yep
        Chinese tale about a man who plays tricks on a mean ghost.
A Story, A Story ..........Haley
        Anansi, the spider man, wins stories from the Sky God. African.
The Talking Eggs ..........San Souci
        Blanche obeys the witch & gains riches while her greedy sister loses.
Town Mouse, Country Mouse       ..........Brett
        Two mice trade houses only to find there's no place like home!

2-3 Fiction
        Note for reading fiction with 6, 7 and 8 year olds.

        First, it's supposed to be fun.  If your child wants to read it,
fine, but if you do all the reading, that's fine, too!  Your child will
listen for narrative and be stretched by the new words and experiences. Of
course, for kids entering GRADE 2, ALMOST ALL IS "READ-ALOUD".

        The fiction is roughly divided by ease of reading into 1. Beginning
Readers, 2. Easy Reading for an entering THIRD grader, 3. Medium Fiction
(medium hard for beginning 3rd grade), 4. Read-Aloud Fiction suitable for
the whole family.

1. 2-3 Fiction for Beginning Readers
Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto     Standford
        Fictionalized account of a real dog's brave deed.
Go Dog Go..........Eastman
        Dogs everywhere doing silly things.  An all-time favorite.
Hello House ..........Hayward
        Brer Rabbit fools Brer Wolf who is hiding in the rabbits' house.
Hop on Pop ..........Seuss
        Rhyming words depict funny situations.
Itchy Itchy Chicken Pox ..........Maccarone
        Catchy rhymes  detail a boy's bout with the pox.

2. 2-3 Fiction---Easy Reading entering gr. 3
Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room   ..........Giff
        Richard "Beast" Best, held back a grade, is starting to like
reading & his new friends.
Bony-Legs       ..........Cole
        Sasha fools the nasty witch, Bony-Legs (Baba Yaga).
Henry and Mudge ..........Rylant
        How Henry finds Mudge the dog.  The first book in a favorite series.
In a Dark, Dark Room  ..........Schwartz
        Short ghost stories. Includes the woman who removes her head.
Knights of the Kitchen Table    ..........Scieszka
        Joe, Fred & Sam travel back to King Arthur's time, with funny results.
Lucky Baseball Bat ..........Christopher
        Can Marty win without his lost lucky bat?
Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House    ..........Sachar
        Marvin dogsits his teacher's pet.
Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag  ............Sharmat
        Nate tries to find Oliver's beach bag which has vanished.

3. 2-3 Fiction---Medium Hard for entering gr. 3
Amber Brown is Not a Crayon...........Danziger
        Amber has a hard time because her best friend, Justin, is moving.
Catwings...........Le Guin
        Four young cats with wings leave the city in search of a safer home.
Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business...........Park
        Did Junie B's grandma say her new baby brother is a REAL monkey?
Math Wiz...........Duffey
        Marty needs more than being good at math to make friends.
Russell and Elisa  (and others in the series)...........Hurwitz
        Tales of Russell & his younger sister and their apartment neighbors.
Sleep Out...........Carrick
        Christopher can't wait to try out his new camping gear.  1st of 5 bks.
Tenth Good Thing about Barney   ...........Viorst
        Remembering Barney, a wonderful cat.  Read after losing a pet.

4. 2-3 Fiction---Read-Aloud
Babe the Gallant Pig...........King-Smith
        Babe herds sheep.  The book is even better than the movie.
BFG        ...........Dahl
        Sophie and the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) head off some bad giants.
Charlotte's Web...........White
        Fern has two dear friends, Wilbur the Pig and Charlotte the Spider.
Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library          ...........Clifford
        Rose & Jo-Beth, trapped in the old library, hear strange noises.
Henry Huggins   ...........Cleary
        Third grader, Henry, gets a loving, flea-bitten dog named Ribsy.
Mouse and the Motorcycle        ...........Cleary
        A boy shares his toy motorcycle with Ralph, the mouse.
Pippi Longstocking    ...........Lindgren
        Funny tales of a girl who lives by herself with a horse and a monkey.

2-3 Factual Books
Dinosaur (Eyewitness series)   ...........Norman                 (good series)
        Photographs of dinosaur remains focussing on feet, teeth, fossils.
Finding the Titanic    .........Ballard
        The "unsinkable" ship that sank and was discovered decades later.
Going on a Whale Watch  ...........McMillan
        Two six year-olds watch many kinds of whales.
Hungry, Hungry Sharks   ...........Cole
        Easy to read facts about some scary fish.
Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor     ...........Cole
        Ms. Frizzle's class travels by bus under sea to learn about oceans.
Mama Zooms    ...........Cowen-Fletcher
        A boy and his mother "zoom around" in her wheelchair.
Paper Airplane Book     ...........Simon
        Fun with paper for a rainy summer day.
Pompeii...Buried Alive!    ..........Kunhardt
        The famous Roman town buried by a volcano.
Postcards from Pluto: a Tour of the Solar System        ...........Leedy
        Dr. Quasar gives some children a tour of all the planets.
Spooky Tricks    ...........Wyler
        Magic---with a ghostly theme---made easy.
Tut's Mummy, Lost...and Found        ..........Donnelly
        The Egyptian pharaoh and his treasure after 3,000 years.

2-3 Biography
And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?    .......Fritz
        The famous midnight rider alerted the minutemen.
Cleopatra   .........Stanley
        Pictorial account of the famous queen of Egypt who, 2000 years ago,
won the hearts of two Roman generals, Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.
Columbus Day    ...........Liestman
        Accurate account of Columbus' first voyage; good for young listeners.
Gutenberg    ...........Fisher
Johann Gutenberg developed a printing press at the time of Columbus that
made books available to ordinary people.
Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express   ...........Wetterrer
        True tale of Kate who ran through a storm to warn a train of danger.
Librarian Who Measured the Earth        ...........Lasky
        Story of Eratosthenes who correctly figured earth's size in 300 BC.
Ruth Law Thrills a Nation       ...........Brown
        Ruth attempts to fly from Chicago to New York in one day in 1916.
She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head    ...........Lasky
        Story of the two women who started the Audubon Society.
Shark Lady: The True Adventures of Eugenie Clark          ...........McGovern
        Brief account of the life of a research scientist.
Teammates                ...........Golenbock
        How Jackie Robinson became the first black major league player.
True Adventure of Daniel Hall    ...........Stanley
        Daniel, cabin boy on a whaling shop, almost dies at the hands of
the cruel captain.
Zora Hurston and the Chinaberry Tree    ...........Miller
        A famous African-American writer found strength from her mother

Joan Kimball (jkim@borg.com)
Clinton, NY
Hart's Hill Elementary School Library
Clark Mills Road, Whitesboro, NY 13492

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