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Thanks to everyone who sent their favorite library or book riddles.  Here is
a hit of the ones I received:

What's the name of the  building that has the most stories?
The Library!

What is the tallest building in any city ?
The Library, because it has so many stories!
Upstart offers bookmark with library humor on them...

What kind of book needs a shave? Diction - hairy
Why did the cow go to the library? To get an UDDER book.
What kind of berries make you smarter? Li-berries
Which is the smartest dinosauer? Thesaurus rex
Where can you find information on mouse traps? The card CATalog
What bird checks out books? The CARDinal
What do tadpoles think of the library? Its TOADally awesome.
Where would you find a book about boomerangs? Inthe book return

May not be what you are interested in but my kids loved them!

What fruit is like a book?
A strawberry.  Because it is red(read).  I imagine you could mention any red

The only riddle I can think of pertaining to reading at all is the old
chestnut what is black and white and read all over.  Maybe you could
rework that in some way.

OR you could have a contest to see who could think up the best riddle and
give a prize to the one that wins.

Here's one riddle I have used about a book:
 "I wear a jacket without any sleeves, I'm not a tree, but I do have

Check the archives. A while back (like last year maybe) there was a hit
of library jokes....some were riddles. I copied it and filed it
somewhere at my office if you can't find the HIT let me know.

What do you call a really good book written by a skunk?
                        A BEST SMELLER!!

Here's a good library riddle:

     A bookworm is very hungry.  So, he goes into his kitchen which, of
course, is the library to get a meal.  He spies a set of encyclopedias on
the shelf and decides to "dig in."  Now, this set has one volume for each
letter of the alphabet.  The books are all in alphabetical order on the
shelf.  If he starts eating at the front cover of "A", and finishes at
the back cover of "Z", how many volumes would he have eaten through?
(the answer is not 26).

How many librarians does it take to change a light bulb?
I don't know, but I can help you look it up!
It depends...what kind of lightbulb are you interested in?

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Red Knee.
Red Knee who?
Red Knee good books lately?

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Miss Tree.
Miss Tree who?
Miss Tree books are my favorites.

Why did Dracula visit the library?
He wanted to sink his teeth into a good book.

Which dinosaur is the smartest?
Thesaurus Rex.

Why did the cow go to the library?
To get an udder book!

Why couldn't the bookworm sneeze?
Because he had his nose in a book.

What's the best way to catch a school of fish?
With bookworms.

Hope you found a good laugh!  I picked a couple of riddles I can use to
advertise my library club.  I plan to post a riddle around school and
students will have to come to the library to get the answer which will be
listed on a bookmark with information about the library club.
Thanks again!
Debra Cushman,  Media Clerk
Vancouver School of Arts & Academics
Vancouver, WA

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