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   4)   Does the tech coordinator work with the LMS?  How?

   No - 2
   Yes - 8 (of these 8, 3 respondents fill both positions)
        streamlined operations - 1
        ordering software - 1
        coordinating research/computer time - 1
        assisting in library with class online research/
                computer lessons/instruction - 2
        library software networked in building - 1
        library/technology planning - 1
        network planning - 1
        committee membership - 1
        hardware/software purchasing decisions - 3
        computer lab - 1
        planning/evaluating programs - 1

   5)   Does the tech coordinator do any programming?
        No - 8                  Yes - 6

        Do technicians do any programming?
        No - 2                  Yes - 6

        Programming done:
        programming instruction to students (Pascal) - 1
        web pages - 2
        help students with multimedia presentations - 1
        batch files - 1

        Computer languages used in programming:
        HTML - 2
        Pascal - 1 (student instruction)
        C++ - 1
        Clipper - 1

   6)   Are technicians part of the school staff or hired from
   the outside as needed?
   Staff - 2            Hired from outside - 3
   "once per week, provided by the district"
   "Network person (from affiliate high school) who does network
   stuff or works with outside help"

   7)   What would you like the tech coordinator to do that isn't
   done now?

   assist with teachers in the classroom - 2
   willingness to work with others - 1
   train school staff in troubleshooting - 1
   have education background/curriculum experience - 3
   hold more inservices/staff training - 2
   have enough time to get it all done
        (LMS is tech coordinator) - 1
   teacher consultation - 2
   network administration/planning (including installing CD-ROMs,
        updating menus, etc.) - 2
   long range planning - 1
   have library services and technology services under one
        coordinator to eliminate problems - 1
   more flexible schedule to address problems in a timely manner
       - 1
   joint planning with library - 1

   8)   Additional comments......

   "I would like to see more "power" distributed to more teachers
   so that they feel confidence in using technology."
   "...a technology cooreinator would need some of the skills
   that a librarian needs."
   "...tech coordinator MUST have network knowledge."
   "To those administrators who think they can by-pass the
   librarian --- they are wasting their most knowledgable staff

   Again, my thanks to all who responded.


   Barbara Herbert              Librarian/NASA ERC Coordinator
   Georgian Court College       Lakewood, NJ  08701-2697
   home: bherb@juno.com         work: herbert@georgian.edu
   NASA ERC:  NASA_ERC@georgian.edu

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