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First I would like to say thank you for all of the help I received with the
slogan and bulletin board. you are a GREAT bunch!  I can't say what I've
decided on a slogan yet, I am still trying to get through inventory.  But
it will be quite a bit easier to come up with something because of these
suggestions.  I really love this list, and I sure do appreciate you all.  A
few asked for a HIT, so here it is:

How about It's All Together Now at Your Library or Get it All Together at
Your Library?
How about:
Puzzle it out at the Library
Puzzling questions find answers at the Library
When you're puzzled, come the the Library for answers.
Puzzling questions...the answer is the Library.

Could you possibly use the word "SOLVE" somewhere in the title?
You could make the bulletin board interactive and place book covers of the
puzzles you have and "hide" them under a flip up cover.
Just one persons idea.
You might look for the book Motivation and the School Library Media
Teacher. It is '87 Library Professional Press (Shoestring) publication so
you might have to go ILL to get it.  Whole chapter on involvement
bulletinboards.  There are wonderful ways of making bulletinboards a
teaching tool rather than just something "pretty."  I'd like to win you
over.    The author is M. Ellen Jay.  She also has books on designing for
diverse abilities, the Library/Computer Lab/Classroom Connection Linking
Content,Thinking,Writing, and Building Reference Skills in the Elementary
I found this idea:      divide your bulletin board into 2 parts.  On one side,
randomly place puzzle pieces labeled with words such as Fiction,
reference, audio visual, etc., as well as Dewey section numbers. On the
other side, use the same shapes of pieces placed together so that the
puzzle has been put back together.  The title says, "Puzzled?  Get it
together at your Media Center!"
Puzzled about where you fit in?  You belong in the library community.  We
don't want any missing pieces, here.
Have fun!
How about a bulletin board with an assembled jigsaw puzzle that has been
glued together with that  stuff they sell to do just that, but with several
 pieces missing? Slogan could be something like "you'll find all of the
missing pieces in your library!"
Perhaps - putting the pieces together - using the library! or Don't puzzle
out - learn what the library can do for you! Good luck

How about "Feeling Puzzled?....Find the Answers at the Library!"
Puzzled?  Find the answer at the library (media center)
Don't you be the missing piece, use the library.
You too have a piece of the library action.
How about "Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together"-as the year goes along you
could add puzzle pieces together to spell out some type of message- like
I think there might be a lot of things you good do with that-integration of
curriculum; piecing together good books with readers etc.
I love to brainstorm slogans, but it is much nicer to do it live with other
persons, but based on some key concepts, how about this: "Literacy takes
the puzzle out of learning"; or, "The Library takes the puzzle out of
Puzzled?  Find the answer at the library.
How about   "Puzzled?  Find a solution in the Library (or Library Media
or          use a big puzzle piece for the bulletin board with the slogan
"Find solutions at the library?"
I did something similar last year using the theme "Your Library Puts It All
Together"  I made large, bright colored puzzle pieces and put different
things that relate to the library on them.  Ex. Books, Reading, magazines,
Computers, etc.  Since I am in the elem. I also had students cut out puzzle
pieces and draw a picture of things they like about the library.  The kids
liked it and it was bright and colorful.
Put it all together in your library!
Puzzled?--Find the answers in your library
"The pieces come together in the library!"
"The library can put all of the pieces together!"
"Puzzled ??? - the library can help you put it all together!"
Theme sounds great! I highly recommend one theme for the year and stay away
from too much holiday stuff and bulletin boards that "date." This will save
you lots of time.
Puzzle it out at the Library
Puzzling questions find answers at the Library
When you're puzzled, come the the Library for answers.
Puzzling questions...the answer is the Library.
How about It's All Together Now at Your Library or Get it All Together at
Your Library?
Thanks again,
Julia Christian
Library Media Assistant
Monroe Elementary School
Riverside, CA

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