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I am conducting research on successful implementation of
flexible scheduling in elementary school libraries. This research
is funded in part by the AASL Highsmith Research Grant and
by the IASL Takeshi Murofushi Research Award.

I am currently looking for research subjects to take part in this
study. The time commitment for you would be approximately
2 hours (2 approx. one hour telephone interviews), plus a little
time distributing very short questionnaires to your teachers
and communicating with me via email about logistics. Three of
your teachers would also be randomly selected to participate in
an approx. 1 hr. telephone interview and your principal would
also be interviewed for about an hour. Participants will determine
time and place of these interviews, within a 3-4 week period.

I will select 5 schools to study in depth through telephone
interviews. I hope to have many school librarians volunteer so
I can select schools that represent a variety of different
circumstances and situations. I'm not going to be analyzing
 outcomes of flexible scheduling (although I'd be surprised
if these didn't come up in the conversations), but primarily
about how successful implementation occurs. What makes
flexible scheduling work?

Please send me an email volunteering for this study if you fit
the following criteria:

1. you are the librarian in a flexibly scheduled elementary library;

2.  implementation of flexible scheduling began at least 3 years

3. you have been the librarian in that school throughout the
implementation phase;

4. you believe that implementation has been successful;

5. you are reasonably confident that most of your teachers would
agree that implementation of flexible scheduling has been successful;

6.your school did *not* receive Library Power funding.

The confidentiality of all research participants will be respected. No
personal names or school names will be revealed in any reports or
publications of the research results.

Please contact me to volunteer, or with any questions you might
have, or to suggest someone else who might be eligible but who
isn't on LM_NET, at


Thanks for considering this opportunity to benefit your colleagues
who are struggling with implementation issues.

Joy McGregor, Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
Texas Woman's University

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