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At 07:30 AM 11/8/96 -0500, you wrote:
>        My wife has been a school librarian/media specialist
>        for 19 years and, as a result, has developed what she
>        is convinced is a job related repetitive stress
>        injury--a bad case of "tennis elbow," or
>        epicondylitis, in both arms.  Her affliction is so
>        bad that she has had surgery on both elbows.
>        Have any of you encountered similar problems or know
>        of any other libraians who have?  How do you--or
>        they--deal with the problem?

Frank, I wouldn't be surprised if you see a lot on this.  After last summer,
when I was trying to finish up a year-long project of converting one of our
school libraries to an automated system and unpacking two other libraries
after remodeling, I now have the same condition.  I haven't had a complete
night's sleep for about four months; the aching wakes me up.  It's just
damned aggravating -- I'm a really healthy, active person.  I'm still trying
but am beginning to understand how so many old people become obsessed with
how they feel.

I looked at Dr. Weil's database on HotWired and acupuncture is strongly
recommended for tennis elbow.  I'm thinking of trying it; there is an
acupuncturist in a city about 50 miles north of us. I ran across an article,
too, on vitamins and am now trying 2000 mg. Vitamin C, a B Complex vitamin
with between 500% - 1000% of the RDA, 800 I.U. of Vitamin E, 200 mcg.
selenium, 30 mg. zinc.  The article also recommended shark cartilage but I
haven't taken that, and methionine, which is supposed to be a natural
anti-inflamatory, but I haven't found it.  My doctor prescribed two
different anti-inflamatories.  Each really upset my stomach and didn't seem
to help all that much.  He has said the next step is cortisone injections
into the elbow and physical therapy.  I really don't want surgery.  I'm
praying the vitamins will do the trick or at least help enough that I can
function better.  Bad days I can barely lift a ream of paper or a heavy
book.  I take ibuprofen several times a day and it takes the edge off a
little.  Oh, the doctor also gave me a sling, but it made the elbow REALLY

I would dearly love to hear how others are coping, because I don't think
your wife and I are isolated cases of this.  Sorry this is so long -- thank
you very much for posting the question.

Elizabeth Letterly, District Librarian    eletterl@abelink.com
Williamsville CUSD #15, Williamsville IL  USA 62693
"Freedom is an inside job." -- Sam Keen

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