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Hi all--

WOW!  What a generous outpouring of comments, advice and experience!  I
thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Normally I try to send a
thank-you to each respondent, but with over 40 replies to my query,
please accept my gratitude in this larger format.  Also, my principal
was very impressed at the number and geographic diversity of replies!

I asked for pros and cons on video circulation and whether you do or
don’t circulate.  Responses were almost evenly split with 22 who don’t,
19 who do and 2 on the fence (one who does but is reconsidering, one who
doesn’t but is planning to).  Below is a summary of comments, divided
into cons, pros and logistical considerations.  Numbers represent the
number of people giving each response (some gave several
reasons/considerations).  If you would like a copy of the full text of
all comments, please email me and I’ll be glad to pass it on.
Theft/loss/destruction/damage/wear and tear - 5
Hard to get them back on time/hard enough getting books and magazines
back - 2
Need them here when a teacher wants to use one - 6
Only for teacher use/curriculum-related - 11
Teachers would get upset if several students had already seen video they
were using/would diminish lesson - 7
Students already watch too much TV - 3
Would be great to work on listening skills, but too many tune out words
and just watch the pictures - 1
Lets parents check them out/used as a hook to get parents into LMC - 2
Videos readily accessible through video stores or public libraries - 3
Video collection too small - 4
Hasn't had requests to circulate videos - 1
Expense - 5
Poor school, not a lot of books in homes - 1
My job is to teach love of books and reading - 2
Students would choose a video instead of a book - 1
The most successful people are those who can read - 1

Only circulates videos not used in curriculum/instruction - 2
Should provide variety of information sources/provide for multiple
intelligences/support visual learners and LD students - 6
Can offer things kids aren’t likely to find in video stores/only buys
the “good stuff” - 6
Students who check out only videos wouldn’t check out a book anyway and
at least this way they can experience some good literature on tape - 1
Should accept/tolerate others’ ways even if you do not agree - 1
Introduction of a subject on video encourages reading of related books -
Encourages life-long use of library and attitudetoward it as an
interesting place with a variety of materials and formats - 1
Our job is not only to help students learn to read but to do whatever it
takes to help them be literate - 1
Why should all that great stuff sit on the shelves?/if it’s good enough
for the collection, why wouldn’t you want a student to check it out? - 2

Students without a parent to read to them can still experience great
literature - 1
Libraries aren’t just books anymore/variety of formats - 2
Videos give a different perspective - 1
Listening vocabulary often much higher than reading vocabulary - 1
They’re going to watch TV anyway and at least they will be watching high
quality selections, not the usual trash - 1
Not experiencing decrease in book circulation because of video circ. - 1

How will you handle someone saying “Your tape messed up my VCR--now pay
for the cleaning!” - 1
Different color dots for K-3 level and 3-6 level - 1
Only circulates with parent’s note of permission - 2
Encourages students to compare book and movie versions - 1
If for research, encourages student to use at least one other type of
resource - 1
Limits to grade 2 and up because K and 1 can only check out two books -
Limits to two videos each for grades 1-5; one for K - 1
Limits to one apiece - 3
Only educational videos/should be literature- or curriculum-related, not
strictly entertainment - 6
Overnight only - 2
All videos due back on Monday - 1
Circulates only fiction because non-fiction used for lessons - 1
If assignment is to read a book, obviously seeing the movie is not
appropriate - 1
Videos will take a beating and some may only last several checkouts - 1
If parents don’t want a child to check out videos, we usually know about
it - 1
Take video out of case when returned and check to make sure the WRONG
VIDEO didn’t get in there by mistake! - 1
Must check out a book along with a video - 2
Must check out a book when returning a video - 1
Perhaps open a discussion among staff about learning styles and about
video-book tie-ins - 1
I hope this is an acceptable way to prepare a hit; this is the first one
I’ve done.

Some people expressed apologies for disagreeing with me.  Please
don’t--I learned a whole lot from your comments, and have clarified my
philosophy when thinking through each one.

Again, many thanks to all who contributed,

Jenny Horn, Librarian
Gorham Elementary School
Gorham, NY 14461

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