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--Boundary (ID eHifleRVq1tuWhoJDugr/A)
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN

Since there has been some discussion of SLIPKNOT, I am attaching their
latest news update.

David Ratner
Media Specialist
Seabreeze High School
Daytona Beach, FL
--Boundary (ID eHifleRVq1tuWhoJDugr/A)
Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822

Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 00:21:22 EST
From: Peter Brooks <pbrooks@micromind.com>
Subject: SlipKnot News #3
To: ratnerd <ratnerd@mail.firn.edu>
Message-id: <199510190521.BAA16622@pipe3.nyc.pipeline.com>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN
Delivery-date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:21:00 EST
Posting-date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:21:18 EST
Importance: normal
A1-type: MAIL

                           SlipKnot News #3

Dear registered SlipKnot user:

This is a periodic mailing to announce SlipKnot changes and to keep in
touch with the SlipKnot community.

The news is: we have indeed survived another major release.

Version 1.13 is now available...

...and SlipKnot received an excellent writeup in NetGuide Magazine's
review of all major browsers this month (November issue): "A wiley
SLIP alternative ... ingenious program ... SlipKnot has some excellent
features that you won't find with Netscape ... UNIX shell customers
will find it a quantum leap forward ... near-the-leading-edge
software." (well, we're proud).


* How to upgrade to 1.13
* How to get the full version to distribute to others
* What's new in 1.13, anyway?
* ! MicroMind's Reward Programs: !
-      Site licenses and volume discounts
-      SlipKnot Representatives
* SlipKnot short summary

=============== How to upgrade to 1.13 ======================

1. When you are connected, go into SlipKnot Web and press the little
   icon that looks like a house.

2. This will bring up the usual SlipKnot Local Home Page, which will
   contain a link to the SlipKnot What's New Page.  Retrieve the
   What's New Page, and there will be instructions on how to download
   the upgrade file.

3. If you have trouble getting to the What's New Page, here is the URL
   (which has changed, but the old one should work as well):


=========== How to get the full version of SlipKnot to distribute ======

The full version (1.13) is available from at least the following sites:




========= What's new in 1.13? ==============================

Changes in SlipKnot Web:

1*. "Get All Links": Now you can ask SlipKnot to show you all of links
    that the currently-displayed document has, to other documents, on or
    off the same site.  Then select _any_ number of them (up to 50)
    from the list, and tell SlipKnot to retrieve those you selected.
    With or without graphics.  Showing you the documents as they come
    in, or doing it silently.

    No other browser has the feature of being able to get an overview
    of all links and then freely select all those you want to get.  We
    find this feature tremendously useful inhouse (and we think you
    will, too), and now wonder why other browsers don't have it (all
    right, so we're proud of ourselves).

    You'll find a Web page about this feature at:

2. "Retrieve, but don't display": We've included this feature so that
   you will not be interrupted each time a new document arrives.  The
   incoming document will go into the History Folder without making a
   fuss and drawing undue attention to itself, and then wait patiently
   there for you to open the History Folder and display it.

3. "Save as Text File": You can now save the displayed document as a
   pure text file (without the HTML codes), so that you can use its
   text in other documents.  You can also save it as an HTML document,
   as always.

4. "Low memory guard": Because SlipKnot can display many documents at
   once, we've included some safety features for reducing its memory

5. The usual number of bugs fixed since 1.12

Changes in SlipKnot Terminal:

1*. By Extreme Popular Demand: a 100-line scrollback buffer.

2*. Resizable Terminal screen (like all other windows).

3. Terminal column width is selectable (80 or 132 or ...)

4. Terminal main screen and scrollback buffer area can have different

5*. AutoZmodem download detection: You can now ask your UNIX system to
    send you a file, and SlipKnot's Terminal will automatically detect
    that a file is coming in.  You can also use this feature for
    multiple file downloads (using wildcards).  For instance, you can
    issue the command: "sz -b foo*" to your UNIX system without using
    SlipKnot's Communications/Get File from Host menu item.

   MicroMind's Reward (!) Programs:

- SlipKnot is published as shareware
- we expect that many more people are using it than registering (and
    we provide technical support to everyone)
- we subsist on registration fees

Therefore we are starting to provide site licenses, volume discounts
and to reward people for helping us spread the word.

----------- Site Licenses and Volume Discounts ------------

MicroMind will provide a reward to anyone who assists us in placing
a site license or volume sale (where applicable).

If you find the person/people in charge of making site license or
volume purchases at your computer site, and assist us in placing
SlipKnot, we will reward you with a percentage of the sale.

If, one the other hand, you _are_ the person responsible for making such
purchases, and wish the reward to go to a donation or fund, we will be
happy to do so.

Please write to Peter Brooks <pbrooks@micromind.com> (subject line:
"Site License Program") for details if your site actually purchases
software site licenses and/or volume discounts.

For volume sales, SlipKnot supports the customization of the program
to include special startup messages, and to allow a system
administrator to include host-setup information for new users.

---------- SlipKnot Representatives ------------------------

We have also created a "SlipKnot Representative" program that rewards
folks for spreading the word at their institution (if applicable).

This program is geared toward educational and commercial institutions
where flyers about SlipKnot (for instance) can be posted.

If we do not yet have a representative at your institution and you are
interested in spreading the word and are willing to sign up, you will
receive 1/6 of the registration fee for each new registrant from that

Please write to Peter Brooks at <pbrooks@micromind.com> (subject line:
"Representative Program").

      SlipKnot Short Summary (for reposting)

SlipKnot Version 1.13 is a graphical World Wide Web browser, similar
to Mosaic or Netscape, specifically designed for Microsoft Windows
(WfW, NT, Win95, and OS/2) users who have dialup (or serial
connections) to UNIX shell accounts.

SlipKnot's primary feature is that it can retrieve and display Web
documents including pictures and sound without the need for SLIP, PPP or
TCP/IP (and without TIA or twinsock, etc.).

SlipKnot Web page retrievals occur in the background, so users can
display and read up to 10 documents in the foreground while getting
new ones.  SlipKnot is unique among browsers in allowing you to get
any or all links from a page in the background.

SlipKnot has recently won the PC Magazine/Ziff-Davis Best Shareware
Communications Program of 1995 Award, and was runner-up for Best
Overall Shareware Program of 1995.

SlipKnot is published as restricted shareware for US$29.95 ($20 for
non-commercial users outside North America, Western Europe and Japan).
10% of registration fees are donated to refugee relief.
SlipKnot 1.13 can be retrieved from (~1.4 MB):


For a full description by email, send a blank message to:

or point your Web browser (lynx is fine) to:

For our page of SlipKnot press reviews and testimonials:

For technical support or individual registrations: <slpstaff@micromind.com>

For press information: Felix Kramer <felixk@panix.com>

For volume discount and site license information, please send queries to:
Peter Brooks <pbrooks@micromind.com>


Thanks again for your support and efforts,
- Peter, Felix, and the somewhat overworked
  tech-support folks: Ethan, Nancy and Philip

--Boundary (ID eHifleRVq1tuWhoJDugr/A)--

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